For those who don't understand the Full Metal Jacket reference, just take a look at the photograph. No, this is not an SEC freshman attacking a 5-year old. This is 6'7'' 225 pound Isaiah Stokes, and he is in EIGHTH GRADE.

Yeah. 8th goddamn grade. Excuse me?

The younger brother of Jarnell Stokes, the Tennessee All-SEC Freshman power forward, Isaiah clearly has a future in college and or NFL/NBA football and basketball.

Anthony Davis, known colloquially as The Brow, went from 6'3'' to 6'11'' in one year...are we to expect this young man to be 8 feet tall when he gets to college??

We're not sure what they fed this kid, but we've got a message for the poor normal sized child fleeing the scene of this photo:

When you're 14 years old and a kid the size of Jimmy Graham is chasing you...RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!